CancerLinksUSA: Esophagus
This site contains general information taken mostly from the National Cancer Institute.
Discusses the risk factors for cancer for patients suffering with Barrett's esophagus.
Oesophageal Patients Association
Information about this UK-based organization including its orientation to support, coping and education.
The Oesophageal Patients Association
Support group comprised of former patients who help new patients that are diagnosed with Cancer of the Esophagus.
OncologyChannel: Esophageal Cancer
This site has resources and information covering Esophageal cancer covering such issues as diagnosis and treatment.
Cancer Group Institute: Esophageal Cancer
They have information on the disease in fact-sheet format.
University of Chicago: Section of Gastroenterology
Broad range of topics involving esophageal cancer, given in a summary form.
Cancer Index: Esophagus
Resource and information links for both patients and health care professionals. Esophageal Cancer
The U.S. Government web site for the The National Cancer Institute with information on clinical trials, medical articles and most importantly a comprehensive online booklet for sufferers of Esophageal Cancer.
MEDLINEplus: Esophageal Cancer
This site is a resource of the U.S. National Library of Medicine that has links to other useful sites.
The Johns Hopkins Barrett's Esophagus and Esophageal Cancer Web
Go here to get an extensively illustrated FAQ that discusses Cancer of the Esophagus and its precursor condition(s).
Imperial Cancer Research Fund
News and information about from a UK charity offers on esophageal cancer with fundraising information.
American Heart and Lung Institute: Esophageal Cancer
Technical details in a instructive overview which discussion relating to issues of anatomy, and the diagnosis and treatment of esophageal cancer.
Ellis Fischel Cancer Center: Esophageal Cancer
The site is the University of Missouri's general information site for esophageal cancer.
The Virtual Hospital: Esophageal Carcinoma
Extensively illustrated and detailed discussion of esophageal cancer. The site gives information on important topics such as geographic statistics on disease occurence, histology issues (tissues), the various kinds of esophageal cancer (adenocarcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, etc.) and more.
Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center: Esophageal Cancer
Overview of the disease with details on their treatment plans and expertise.
OncoNurse: Esophageal Cancer Resources
This site has a listing of related organizations and other references.
ACOR Discussion List: Esophageal Cancer
The ACOR discussion list for esophageal Cancer. A discussion list is an e-mail based message system that make it easy to say informed on a topic and converse with other list members.
InteliHealth: Esophageal Cancer
This site contains information on esophageal cancer in a consumer friendly layman's format.
ACG Guidelines: Esophageal Cancer
The American College of Gastroenterology presented these treatment standards for esophageal cancer in 1999.
Living with Esophageal Cancer
A survivor of the disease generously gives description their experience with the diagnosis, treatment and living with this disease.
Oesophageal Patients Association, Northern Ireland
They provide medical information for cancer survivors. You will also find information on the activities of this organization and where and when they meet.
University of Michigan: Cancer of the Esophagus
General information including institutional treatment orientation and contact details.
eMedicine Health: Cancer of the Esophagus
A resource center for consumers with information on causes, esophagus cancer symptoms, and treatment.
Cathy's Esophageal Cancer Cafe
This web site is run by a survivor of esophageal cancer. She provides information on a broad spectrum of topics related to cancer of the esophagus, but the most notable feature is the brutally honest discussion forum frequented by esophageal cancer patients and their family and friends.